From the Georgetown Police Department: Blue Santa Applications Accepted through Dec. 9

A program of the Georgetown Police Department, Blue Santa provides toys to more than 2,200 children in Georgetown during its annual toy drive and distribution.

Each year, the Georgetown Police Department, department volunteers, citizen volunteers/volunteer groups, and businesses all work together and join forces to hold special events or set up donation barrels to collect toys or monetary donations. Toys are sorted into age-appropriate categories by the Blue Santa Workshop Elves and special Christmas boxes are filled for families who apply for assistance.

Blue Santa also donates toys anytime residents have lost their belongings in fires or natural disasters. Blue Santa is not just for Christmas, although that is the main focus of the program. Monetary donations and new, unwrapped toys are welcome any time.

Qualified families who live within the city limits may apply for benefits: 


From the Williamson Co. Sheriff's Office: Brown Santa Applications Now Being Accepted


From The Carver Center: Spooktacular Event November 2