Making up Missed Time from Winter Storm Mara

We know our community is curious about the impact of missed instructional days in February due to the winter storm that forced school closures.  GISD has enough operational minutes built into our schedule to cover the first two days of closure, on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.  We plan to apply for a waiver from the state for the third day of closure, Feb. 2. This must be approved by the board and is expected to be on the March meeting agenda. Even if approved, the instructional minutes missed because of the two-hour delay on Feb. 3 will need to be made up as they do not qualify for a waiver. 

Beginning March 20, campus bell schedules will be adjusted by 2 to 3 minutes to accommodate for this change. We expect this change to have minimal impact on daily operations. Look for more information from your child’s principal regarding the new bell schedule for each campus. 


Georgetown ISD Adopts New Strategic Direction


2021-22 State & Federal Report Cards are Now Available for Review Online