Page-Turning Technology: Wolf Ranch Elementary Installs Book Vending Machine

Through a project funded by the Georgetown ISD Education Foundation, campuses in Georgetown ISD (GISD) are taking a unique and fun approach to promoting literacy and a love for reading among students. The installation of book vending machines in campus libraries is proving to be an innovative and popular tool that is effective in fostering a culture of literacy for students both in school and at home. 

“My biggest motivation in applying for the first book vending machine grant was to support students in growing their home libraries,” Amy Heil, GISD Director of Digital Learning said. “What’s cool about this tool is that once a student picks a book from the vending machine, it is theirs to keep – at no monetary cost to them or their families.”

Heil served as the librarian at Wagner Middle School when the campus received a grant for the first ever book vending machine in GISD in 2019. Heil had become fascinated with research on “book deserts”, which are often defined as geographical areas where the majority of households have fewer than 100 books. 

“I found that over the years, the number of book deserts in the United States continued - and still continues - to increase,” Heil said. “When I learned of schools incorporating book vending machines into their libraries, I felt it could be a fresh way to address the issue right here in Georgetown.”

Since Heil has moved into her current role, she has watched her vision for this project come to life across the district. 

On March 21st, 2023, an exciting package showed up at the doorstep of Wolf Ranch Elementary: their very own custom-wrapped book vending machine. 

“It did not take long for students to get excited and eager about getting their hands on books from the vending machine,” Joanne Smith, Wolf Ranch Librarian said. “However, it’s not as easy as walking right up and pulling a book when you want it.” 

Smith, like other GISD librarians that have installed these machines, has reward systems and standards in place that students must meet in order to access the book vending machine. 

“I have different expectations for each grade level, but all students have the opportunity to earn access to the vending machine,” Smith said. “For example, students in kindergarten and 1st grade turn in book logs to teachers at the end of each month. If they complete their book log, they are entered into a raffle for the book vending machine.”

“My upper-level students might complete projects that center around digital citizenship or research strategies to earn access,” Smith said. “It’s still new to us and we are learning as we go, but we are excited about the endless possibilities the machine brings!”

Each book vending machine comes with small gold tokens that users must insert in order to select a book. It’s as easy as inserting a token, selecting the code number of the desired book, and waiting for the machine to dispense it. The machine even outputs verbal messages as it is used that encourage students to, “Keep on reading!”. 

As for selecting books to stock up the machines, librarians put careful thought into the process. 

“I pay attention to the books that my students are buzzing about and which ones are flying off the shelves,” Smith said. “It’s also important that I keep it filled with a variety of genres and readability levels, so there is something for students in all grades.” 

WATCH: Book vending machine in action

“It has been so rewarding to see how this initiative encourages reading outside of the classroom,” Heil said. “Book vending machines promote literacy at home and get students excited about reading. As an educator, it’s an inspiring thing to watch.”

Currently, there are four book vending machines in the district at Wagner Middle School, Carver Elementary School, Wolf Ranch Elementary School and Williams Elementary School. More to come… 

To learn more about the GISD Education Foundation and their grant cycles, visit: 


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