Practice Makes Perfect: GISD Junior Scores a 1600 on SAT

16-year-old Nathan Aaker is a Georgetown High School (GHS) Band Drum Major, Mu Alpha Theta President, debate team member, Advanced Academics student and, most recently, among the top 0.07% of SAT-takers in the country to earn a perfect score. 

“I started preparing for the SAT when I took it for the first time in seventh grade,” Nathan said.

Nathan was able to do this as part of a college prep program offered by Duke University to students that qualified through other testing. 

“I’ve also taken the most rigorous courses available to me throughout school, which has definitely helped me with performing under pressure and thinking strategically.” 

Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus-based Physics, Spanish 4 and Rocketry are a few rigorous courses to name on Nathan’s current schedule.

“All of my teachers are really interested in helping students learn and grow every day,” Nathan said. “Everyone is so accommodating. They recognize that students have a lot going on, and they do what they can to support us in preparing for the future.” 

“The flexibility and dedication of Nathan’s teachers and administrators has played a huge role in his academic growth,” Angela Aaker, Nathan’s mother said. “It has really allowed him to get the most out of all of his courses and extracurriculars.”

Nathan attributes much of his academic success to Pathway 3 Math, an accelerated math program that allows for greater personalization for students who perform at a high or at a remarkably high level. The program allowed for Nathan to take his first high school credit math course in 7th grade. 

“The pathway program really helps me – it continuously challenges me to do better,” Nathan said. “I’m always growing in my knowledge of new content, which has certainly helped me prepare for the SAT.”

Nathan was identified as Gifted and Talented in Kindergarten, and he began his math pathway in 5th grade at Ford Elementary. He also started competing in UIL Chess Puzzle Tournaments at that age and won the gold medal for the district every year it was offered.

“There are so many neat programs for young learners in GISD,” Angela said. “UIL Chess Puzzle really helped Nathan build strategy preparation, which has supported his academic career.” 

“Being in band, UIL math competitions, Mu Alpha Theta… I'm a better leader, and a better learner because of it,” Nathan said. “I’m constantly challenged to think outside the box.” 

Looking to the future, Nathan is not yet certain where he will be after high school graduation. One thing he does know is that he is ready to embrace new obstacles and expand his knowledge.

“There are so many opportunities available, and there’s a lot left to explore,” Aaker said. “You can really do anything here. It’s pretty special.”


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