Supporting Emotional Wellness, Enriching the Student Learning Experience
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in Georgetown ISD (GISD) is the process of bringing the GISD Learner Profile to life within a safe and caring learning environment. In Georgetown ISD, SEL is categorized into three domains: (a) cognitive skills, (b) intrapersonal skills, and (c) interpersonal skills. When you look at the GISD Learner Profile, you will find that each learner trait falls into one of the three SEL domains.
Learner Profile traits that fall under Cognitive Skills (SEL domain):
Applies Critical Thinking
Creates and Innovates
Inquiry and Exploration
Learner Profile traits that fall under Intrapersonal Skills (SEL domain):
Personal Responsibility
Adapts and Perseveres
Learner Profile traits that fall under Interpersonal Skills (SEL domain):
Respectful Relationships
Collaborates and Communicates
Skill building is a core component of SEL. This includes intrapersonal and interpersonal skills (Ex: the ability to regulate one’s emotions). A student who has both well-developed interpersonal and intrapersonal skills has a greater opportunity to successfully engage in their learning. Instruction around SEL skills supports student behavior which ultimately supports and enriches the student learning experience.