Building 1




Building 1 〰️ Showcases 〰️

  • Room 608

    VIRTUAL REALITY can help take learning beyond the classroom. Join a virtual reality session to experience how students are using headsets to explore the world and the universe.

    McCoy ES

  • West Stairwell

    Mindgarten is an interactive and immersive experience for staff that took place at GISD Grow on Feb. 20.

    Enjoy a scaled down version and the artifacts that resulted from this event.

  • East Stairwell

    Student produced 3D art will be displayed in the east stairway on Building 1.

    All levels

  • Room 601

    STOP MOTION is an animated filmmaking technique used by students to create short videos.

    Wolf Ranch ES

  • Room 609

    SENSORY ROOMS can be calming environments for students with sensory impairments to self regulate and manage anger, over-stimulation and stress. Learn how GISD is using sensory rooms in our schools.

  • Gallery

    Visit the Visual Art Gallery to see student-produced artwork in a gallery setting.

    All levels

  • Room 400

    Lego Robotics play an important role in many STEM progams in GISD. See how one student incorporated this into a passion project to build and code a working robot.

    Benold MS

  • Artifacts of student learning will be on display for guests to view, touch, and inquire. Students and staff will be on hand to answer questions.



Building 1




Building 1 〰️ Performances 〰️

  • Board Room

    11:45 AM
    12:00 PM

    Williams ES

  • Walkway: 11:00 AM
    Board Room:
    11:30 AM

    Williams ES

  • Board Room: 11:10 AM
    11:25 AM

    Carver ES, Cooper ES, Frost ES, Mitchell ES, Village ES

  • Walkway: 11:45 AM
    Board Room: 12:15 PM

    Forbes MS

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