Benold Middle School’s Olin Meadows Named Texas Performing Arts Educator of the Year

On March 3, Benold Middle School (BMS) Theater Teacher Olin Meadows was recognized as the Texas Performing Arts Educator of the Year by Texas Performing Arts (TPA). The award was given out for the first time in history at TPA’s “Broadway in Austin” Event, making Olin the inaugural Texas Performing Arts Educator of the Year.
“Olin has taken every opportunity to expand their students' education through partnerships with Texas Performing Arts,” an announcement by TPA Education and Engagement read. “...This, and more, shows Olin’s dedication to their students and exemplifies the kind of educational partners we constantly seek out across Central Texas.”
Invited as an event guest speaker, Meadows had no idea they were about to receive the prestigious award. In a heartwarming surprise, a group of BMS parents and students gathered and waited to celebrate Olin after they received the news.
“Olin Meadows makes such a difference in the lives of students at Benold MS through compassion, education, experience, and dedication,” GISD Director of Fine Arts Carol Watson said. “They make sure their students have a wide variety of experiences, from acting, to costuming and other elements of technical theatre, enriching lives through Theatre and beyond.”