Your Feedback is Needed – Elementary Reading Language Arts Resource Review

Georgetown ISD parents and community members are invited to participate in a review of resources being considered for our students. Three areas are up for consideration and adoption:

  • Spanish Language Arts (SLAR): Amplify

  • English Language Arts and Reading / Spanish Language Arts and Reading (ELAR/SLAR) K-5: SAVVAS MyView

  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Digital Resources: Spanish, French, German

Your input helps GISD select the best instructional materials for our students. We encourage all parents and/or community members to review these resources and share their thoughts. Your voice matters to us, and we greatly appreciate your time and insights. Thank you for partnering with us to support the education of our students.

To participate:

  • Explore the online resources below for each subject area.

  • Submit your feedback through the provided forms.

  • Join us at State of the District on March 13. Vendors for the Spanish Language Arts and English Language Arts and Reading materials will be on site for guests to review materials in person. 

Spanish Language Arts (SLAR): Amplify
View Resources
You’ll need the following information to log in and review resources:
Select: Log In with Amplify
Enter username and password:
Password: AmplifyPD1
Provide Feedback
The deadline to share feedback is April 22.

English Language Arts and Reading / Spanish Language Arts and Reading (ELAR/SLAR) K-5: SAVVAS MyView
Link to Resources
Provide Feedback
The deadline to share feedback is April 22.

Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Digital Resources: Spanish, French, German
Link to Resources - Coming Soon
Link to Google Form - Coming Soon     

The deadline to share feedback is March 12.

Have questions? Send them to us via Let’s Talk and select “Materials Adoption”.


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