Team members of the month - Feb. 2025
Benold - Jose Diaz
Carver - Sadika Fazil
Cooper - Norma Delgado
EVHS - Alan Oakes
Forbes - Rana Allbritton
Ford - Kyle Friedrich
Frost - Haley Weisbrod
FRC - Alanna Sedwick Williams
GHS - Amy Beran
McCoy - Cindi Kruger
Mitchell - Janelle Hill
Purl - Griselda Ceballos
San Gabriel - Jen Fontenot
Tippit - Rose Kemper
Village - Isaiah Martinez
Wagner - Michelle Catelli
Williams - Angie Jones
Wolf Ranch - Amber Howard
Technology - Luis Sanchez
Teaching, Learning & Assess - Amy Dedeyan
Nutrition Services - Ericka Chambers
Maintenance/Support Srvs - Dakota Cushing
Transportation - Donna Jobe
Custodial - Danette Fowler
Human Resources - Brooke Irwin